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Cultivating Growth

Because God designed us for feasting and flourishing

Our Approach

At Cultivating Growth, we seek to help both Christian leaders and non-leaders navigate their personal and professional worlds with the grace and dignity afforded us through life with God.  We do this through myriad ways: personal counseling, personal and professional coaching, leadership assessment and retreat experiences.

We would love to work with you to experience more of your God-given design in this world.  Contact us if you would like to learn more about the counseling, coaching, leadership assessment and retreat work we can do with you.

How We 
Can Help You

We would love to work with you to experience more of your God-given design in this world.  Contact us if you would like to learn more about the counseling, coaching, leadership assessment and retreat work we can do with you.

Our Services


Personal Counseling

We offer counseling experiences for both individuals and couples with an emphasis on what we call "story work"--understanding how our past influences our present so we can envision a new future.


Pastoral and Professional 

All leaders need to periodically take stock of where they currently are and where they are headed.  Through certified coaching, we can help you get there.


Leadership Assessments

If you want to know where you are going, you have to know from where you are starting.  We are certified in the IPSAT (self-awareness for self-leadership growth) and the EQI (emotional health leadership) and can help you get to where you want to be.



Rest is written into the fabric of our design by God but we experience it.  Cultivating Growth retreats for individuals, pastors and married couples can help you find solace and delight with God.

Meet Our Team

Hi!  We are husband and wife, Scott and Kerstin Armstrong.  It has been our joy since we married in 2000 to partner together to serve the church and love those who are part of it.  Part of our life mission together has been to serve and lead those who serve and lead others that the might experience God's flourishing in their lives.

I’ve been been in full-time ministry for 28 years. There is significant “wear on the tires"...I was very thankful to talk with Scott and get the help I needed to process some of the deep challenges I was dealing with.


Get Started with 
Cultivating Growth Today.

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